Foxburg Free Library Director
Job Description
Director/Board Co-Responsibilities:
Preparing and Administering the Library Budget
Publicizing the Services and Resources of the Library
Providing Materials for the Professional Growth of the Director
Be Cognizant of Exterior of Building Needs, and Awareness of Safety Issues for Patrons, Staff and Board Members.
The Director’s Position Encompasses Administrative, Educational, and Technical Functions:
Completion of Day-to-Day Library Competencies
Planning and Implementing Library Programs (ex. Summer Reading)
Scheduling, Training, Supervision, and Motivation of Staff and Volunteers
Scheduling the Use of the Library
Assisting with and Keeping Within the Library Budget
Relating the Library Program to the County/District Library Program
Preparation of Regular Statistical, Financial, and Progress Reports for both Board and Patrons
Organizing and Supervising the Circulation of Library Materials
Participating in County and District Meetings
Participating in any Required County and District Educational Opportunities
Participating in Evaluating and Implementing the District Library Program
Evaluating the Library Program, Services, and Materials in Terms of Adequacy in Meeting Patron Needs, Community Needs, and State and National Standards
Performing Basic P. R. Duties (Articles, Website, etc.)
Assist with Creation and Execution of Fundraisers
Becoming Conversant with All Aspects of Library Technology
Becoming Conversant with Patron Needs, Trends, and Interests
Becoming Conversant with Current Educational Research, Trends, Methods, and Materials
Creating and Maintaining Atmosphere Conducive to Effective Library Use
Sharing with the Board the Responsibility for Designing and Implementing a Functional Program
Technical Functions
Establishing Routines and Procedures for Selecting, Ordering, Processing, Organizing, and Circulating Materials
Maintain Accurate Records of Library Holdings
Weeding Obsolete and Worn Materials from the Collection
Supervising the Clerical Routines Necessary for Smooth Operation of the Library
Required Basic Competencies:
- Assist Patrons
- Shelve Materials
- Order Shelves
- Perform Basic Computer Functions (Internet, E-Mail, etc.)
- Check in Periodicals/Prepare for Circulation
- Plan Bulletin Board Presentations
- Help with Housekeeping Chores (Dusting, Cleaning, Trash Collection, etc.)
- Supervise Patrons
- Keep Circulation Records as Required
- Pursue Overdue Book Returns and Collection
- Collate Materials
- Make Copies
- Send/Receive Faxes
- Check Book In/Out
- Help with Inventory
- Process Materials
- Locate and Retrieve Materials
- Type Correspondence, Reports, etc.
- Repair Materials and Equipment
- Register New Patrons, Renew Current Library Cards
- MUST be Able to Alphabetize
- (It is expected that any other competencies that should need to be learned would be mastered as they should arise to maintain regular day-to-day functioning of the Library.)
Preferred qualifications
• Prior library experience
• MLS degree, current MLS student, or 8 library science credits
Minimum qualifications
• Over age 21
• PA state child abuse clearances, PA state police background check, FBI fingerprinting on file